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Our observatory is located just 50 meters from our parking lot next to the main Tena-Quito road. To get to the place, follow the gravel path next to the parking lot. The place has a covered platform with and a small garden to enjoy, observe and photograph the beauty of the hummingbird species of the eastern slope of Ecuador.


Our garden and feeders are visited by 14 species so far:

7 common species and 7 uncommon species at feeders.


We have had new species coming to our feeders, we have reported the visits of: Brown Violetear, Rufous-gaped Hillstar and Buff-tailed Coronet.

Speckled Hummingbird

Long-tailed Sylph (Male)

Long-tailed Sylph (Female)

Chestnut-breasted Coronet

Greenish Puffleg

Peruvian Racket-tail (Female)

Collared Inca (Female)

Buff-tailed Coronet

Bronzy Inca

Fawn-breasted Brilliant

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